Friday, October 5, 2012

Chop it down with the edge of my hand

.I was challenged this week to revisit who I used to be because it could be helpful in my type of Ministry. I took this particular person up on this challenge. Over the last several days I have revisited who I was and have decided that it can be a very helpful ministry tool.
There have been a few former Pro wrestlers who have been called to ministry work. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Debiase is probably one of the more well known men that have done this. I know of a few local guys Sean AllMighty and Kory Twist, who have gone down this route.They both are doing very well in Ministry work and I am very proud of them.
I have realized, after much prayer, that God gave us this awesome background in the Wrestling business to help connect with people. There is a HUGE wrestling audience out there. Pro Wrestling consistantly brings in huge ratings on cable television. Why on earth would I want to squash that part of my life? I think it was just the natural order of things to just leave the past in the past and move towards the future. I believe everyone does this in life, but we need to understand that God is using us before we even know God is using us. God was using me during my 12 years in wrestling as a training ground for my future ministry. How cool is that? I want to challenge everyone reading this blog today. Remember, God places you in positions in life to learn things for your future. Today, I am happy to tell you... Damian Blade is back in a big way! Not so much in a ring, but on Gods stage proclaiming His good news!
As my favorite song says... When I stand up next to a mountain, I chop it down with the edge of my hand! I used that song for years as my entrance music. Its time to start chopping some trees down in the name of Jesus Christ! Look out world... Damian Blade...errr...ummm... Pastor Bill is back!

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