Friday, September 21, 2012

Move, Mountain Move!

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20

I got a major dose of reality this week. Even as a "pastor", there are times in my life where my faith isn't what it should be. I have down times just like the next guy. On Wednesday, during prayer time, I was listening to a cd with Pastor Aaron. I was a bit skeptical due to the fact that this was obviously an old cd and a pastor that I wasn't all that familiar with. Nonetheless, I opened my heart to be ministered to. Boy, was I ministered to! The 30 minutes that I listened to this man of God was by far the highlight of my week. This man had passion and great insight. This came at a great time in my life as i have been under major attack recently in many different areas of my life. I needed this word and it set me on fire again. 
The message is pretty simple... SPEAK IT OUT! When God spoke the universe into existence, he spoke it out and it was done! The things we speak over our lives have great impact on us and those around us. I have realized that i have been unknowingly speaking curses on myself by verbalizing negativity. I have to take authority over things in my life that Satan is trying to destroy, most recently my health. I am horrible at proclaiming "old age" on myself. I am only 35 years old. that is not old by any standards, unless you speak that over yourself. I have for several years and my health began to show that. 
I am now proclaiming youth upon myself! When I wake up, I proclaim healing over my body. 
In Matthew 17:20, it says if you SAY to the mountain move...IT WILL MOVE! Just as God SAID Let there be light...THERE WAS LIGHT!
We need to understand that there is power in our tongue (Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.) and what we speak out of it matters! If you are having health problems, family problems, friend problems, financial problems etc... Speak out what you want as the outcome of these situations and make it happen!
My cry to you today is this... Whatever your mountain is today, command it to move in JESUS NAME! You have the power, so use it today!

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