Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The State Of Wrestling

I wasn't thinking of blogging about wrestling until I watched TNA Bound For Glory on Sunday night. When I started watching the PPV it began to hit me just how bad pro wrestling has gotten. Most importantly the WWE. TNA, Bound For Glory was a way better than average PPV to me.These workers worked old school and they worked their backsides off! I have increasingly become more of a TNA and ROH fan as of late.
 I believe that Vince McMahon and the WWE has ran its course, so to speak. He has a problem with making new stars and elevating them to the top of the card. John Cena has totally destroyed his body by working nonstop to try and fill arenas every night. They elevated CM Punk, but he was never given top billing over John Cena. So, the WWE is basically telling me that John Cena means more than their WWE Title and champion. However, Vince has a history of doing this. He did this in the early 90's with Hogan and Savage. I believe that Savage had the talent to carry the company, but Hogan was Vinces go to guy. Now Vince has decided that Cena is that unstoppable babyface and go to guy.
Enter Ryback! Now dont get me wrong, he is a carbon copy of Bill Goldberg. You must also understand that there is nothing new under the sun. Every gimmick is borrowed to some extent. In my personal opinion, if they dont put the strap on Ryback they are crazy! Is it too soon? Yes! He needs many more months to establish this winning streak and cement his character as a guy who can be champion. Unfortunately, WWE has backed themselves in a corner by placing Ryback in a huge match very early against the champion! If they are truly wanting to build towards the future, they have to bite the bullet and put the belt on Ryback. If you dont, you destroy the momentum he has and his legitimacy.
Now, back to TNA... WHAT A PPV!!!! Every worker, from top to bottom of that card, worked hard for those fans Sunday night. TNA has a deep, talented roster. I still do not understand how they havent broken through and blown up bigger than they are. I guess in 2012, we expect things to happen overnight because we all lack patients. I believe if they keep putting on shows like Sunday night, they will finally start making headway in making more people watch their programming.
In closing... Remember, there are wrestling alternatives to the WWE! Please support these groups. Support your local Indy promotions as well. The State of Wrestling depends on it!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Chop it down with the edge of my hand

.I was challenged this week to revisit who I used to be because it could be helpful in my type of Ministry. I took this particular person up on this challenge. Over the last several days I have revisited who I was and have decided that it can be a very helpful ministry tool.
There have been a few former Pro wrestlers who have been called to ministry work. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Debiase is probably one of the more well known men that have done this. I know of a few local guys Sean AllMighty and Kory Twist, who have gone down this route.They both are doing very well in Ministry work and I am very proud of them.
I have realized, after much prayer, that God gave us this awesome background in the Wrestling business to help connect with people. There is a HUGE wrestling audience out there. Pro Wrestling consistantly brings in huge ratings on cable television. Why on earth would I want to squash that part of my life? I think it was just the natural order of things to just leave the past in the past and move towards the future. I believe everyone does this in life, but we need to understand that God is using us before we even know God is using us. God was using me during my 12 years in wrestling as a training ground for my future ministry. How cool is that? I want to challenge everyone reading this blog today. Remember, God places you in positions in life to learn things for your future. Today, I am happy to tell you... Damian Blade is back in a big way! Not so much in a ring, but on Gods stage proclaiming His good news!
As my favorite song says... When I stand up next to a mountain, I chop it down with the edge of my hand! I used that song for years as my entrance music. Its time to start chopping some trees down in the name of Jesus Christ! Look out world... Damian Blade...errr...ummm... Pastor Bill is back!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Move, Mountain Move!

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20

I got a major dose of reality this week. Even as a "pastor", there are times in my life where my faith isn't what it should be. I have down times just like the next guy. On Wednesday, during prayer time, I was listening to a cd with Pastor Aaron. I was a bit skeptical due to the fact that this was obviously an old cd and a pastor that I wasn't all that familiar with. Nonetheless, I opened my heart to be ministered to. Boy, was I ministered to! The 30 minutes that I listened to this man of God was by far the highlight of my week. This man had passion and great insight. This came at a great time in my life as i have been under major attack recently in many different areas of my life. I needed this word and it set me on fire again. 
The message is pretty simple... SPEAK IT OUT! When God spoke the universe into existence, he spoke it out and it was done! The things we speak over our lives have great impact on us and those around us. I have realized that i have been unknowingly speaking curses on myself by verbalizing negativity. I have to take authority over things in my life that Satan is trying to destroy, most recently my health. I am horrible at proclaiming "old age" on myself. I am only 35 years old. that is not old by any standards, unless you speak that over yourself. I have for several years and my health began to show that. 
I am now proclaiming youth upon myself! When I wake up, I proclaim healing over my body. 
In Matthew 17:20, it says if you SAY to the mountain move...IT WILL MOVE! Just as God SAID Let there be light...THERE WAS LIGHT!
We need to understand that there is power in our tongue (Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.) and what we speak out of it matters! If you are having health problems, family problems, friend problems, financial problems etc... Speak out what you want as the outcome of these situations and make it happen!
My cry to you today is this... Whatever your mountain is today, command it to move in JESUS NAME! You have the power, so use it today!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What's in a generation?

What's in a generation? That is the question of the day. A generation can make or break a society. A generation can mold a society into a perfect passion for things such as family and God. A generation can also destroy things such as family and God.
As you take a look back on your lives and the generation of people that you grew up with, have they done things to honor God, or disrespect God? Has your generation been real? I have recently started asking myself these questions.
My generation seems to have started a downward spiral in the family unit. Alot of my generation has taken God completely out of family and replaced him with secular ideals. I grieve for my generation and the generations to follow. Our family unit has been destroyed and that is due to a lack of God. That is the plain and simple truth. We have fallen away from our core beliefs and have decided that we can do this thing called life on our own.
I took a stand about 10 years ago to raise my kids with God as the centerpiece of their lives. My kids spend countless hours inside the church building and out doing Gods work. They are being taught that if you put God first that he will supply your needs and bring you closer together as a family. My kids are on fire for the Most High God and I am proud to say that I am the one who stood up and decided to punch satan right in the face and tell him he WILL NOT have my kids or grandkids!
Recently, someone tried to convince my daughter that her "Religious" views will change many times in her life and not to attach herself to one idea too long. My daughter was brave enough to stand up and say that is a lie from hell! You see, my daughter does NOT have "religion"!... My daughter has a "RELATIONSHIP" with a great and mighty King names Jesus Christ!
My generation may have tried to tear down family and God, but there is a NEW generation that is standing up and kicking the enemy right in the teeth. I am very thankful that I have instilled that in my kids... NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME WILL EVER PROSPER!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Politics as usual...

Over the last 2 weeks, we have seen both sides of the aisle lay down their foundation for the next 4 years. I, along with many other people on social media outlets are very opinionated on their political views. That is what makes America great!
Today, I just want to throw some things out there to make everyone think just a little on politics as usual...
You see, at the end of the day, both parties will say or do anything to get our vote. I mean, both Conventions had major speaking roles by Hispanic politicians with the sole purpose of winning the Hispanic vote this cycle. Also, both sides pandered to their base over and over again. It's just politics as usual.
Now, some food for thought..
Where does your life as a Christian fit into this election cycle? As Christians we make up 76% of the population according to wikipedia. With that being said, we should have a huge voice in this election. But do we? I for one, believe that this number of 76% is very inflated at this point in the game. If 76% of the population were in fact Christian, my job of winning souls for Jesus wouldn't be this difficult. I believe as each day passes that number is decreasing. We as Christians have lowered our standards and have become part of the world.
 Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
In no way am I telling you to choose one side over the other. I, of course am very decided on who I believe should take our country back to being the greatest nation in the world. What I am wishing for us Christians is to not accept Politics as usual. Don't accept either party not putting God in first. And if you are going to comment on this saying these words... "Separation of church and state!"... Do your homework first!
In closing, whoever you vote for this election cycle, make sure you pray with all your heart that you are checking the right box. Our future depends on it. If everyone votes with God as their guide, everything will be great! So, whoever you vote for may God guide his steps in the next 4 years!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Daily up...Daily down!

Am I the only one who feels like I am on a roller coaster ride almost every day of my life? Yeah... I didn't think so! LOL!
Over the past 3 plus years, my wife Sadie and I have been trying to complete our family with a child. I have 2 awesome kids from my first marriage that Sadie has taken as her own. She is without a doubt one of the best step-moms ever. With that being said, my wife has felt incomplete in life because she wants to conceive a child of her own that is solely ours. About 3 years ago, after not being able to conceive a child, Sadie was diagnosed with PoliCystic Ovarian Syndrome. This illness is way more common in women than you would think. Due to the overuse of preservatives and hormones in our food, many women suffer with this. There are many side effects of PCOS, and not being capable of having a child is one.
We have been fighting PCOS for 3 years now. I've seen many people not understand or even take the time to care as to what my wife endures on a daily basis. Sometimes that is really hard to take. It's also very hard to watch my wife go through this on a daily basis.
Fast forward about 3 years... We went to a specialist several weeks ago who seemed to have all the answers to her infertility. The treatments were very costly due to our insurance (more on this topic later) will not cover these types of procedures. We knew going into it that we might only be able to afford one procedure. After waiting 2 weeks, we finally took the pregnancy test as the Doctor recommended.
Much to our dismay, the test came back negative. All that money, time, worry and dreams were literally thrown in the trash as we saw only one line instead of two. There has been alot of heartbreak in the days that have followed the test. However, I want everyone who reads this to know... This battle is far from over. We serve an amazing God! I know the Democratic Convention won't recognize him, but even through out trials we will bow our knees and continue to serve our Father. I am thankful that we have him to lean on in times like these, because I am not strong enough on my own. I know that God will bless us with the desires of our hearts soon...real soon!
If your get nothing from this blog other than i love my wife and a God, then thats cool. I hope someone is reading this and for the first time has decided that they need to also rely on God for extra strength in their lives as well.
God bless
This is hopefully, my first Blog of many. I just want to give you an overview of some topics that I will be covering in my blogs and the reason for me having a blog. First, the reason! I feel as if I am cluttering up my Facebook wall with many posts that our counterproductive to some of my friendships. I also feel it starts up battles instead of bonding us as Facebook friends. Will i still post some stuff on there now and again...YES! However, this will be my primary outlet.
Some of the topics that I will be covering are topics that the average person thinks about, but will not express most of the time in an in depth manner. We will talk about Religion, Politics, Music, Health and many more day to day water cooler type topics.
I am looking forward to this journey as most of you can tell... I am very opinionated!
God Bless