Friday, September 7, 2012

Politics as usual...

Over the last 2 weeks, we have seen both sides of the aisle lay down their foundation for the next 4 years. I, along with many other people on social media outlets are very opinionated on their political views. That is what makes America great!
Today, I just want to throw some things out there to make everyone think just a little on politics as usual...
You see, at the end of the day, both parties will say or do anything to get our vote. I mean, both Conventions had major speaking roles by Hispanic politicians with the sole purpose of winning the Hispanic vote this cycle. Also, both sides pandered to their base over and over again. It's just politics as usual.
Now, some food for thought..
Where does your life as a Christian fit into this election cycle? As Christians we make up 76% of the population according to wikipedia. With that being said, we should have a huge voice in this election. But do we? I for one, believe that this number of 76% is very inflated at this point in the game. If 76% of the population were in fact Christian, my job of winning souls for Jesus wouldn't be this difficult. I believe as each day passes that number is decreasing. We as Christians have lowered our standards and have become part of the world.
 Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
In no way am I telling you to choose one side over the other. I, of course am very decided on who I believe should take our country back to being the greatest nation in the world. What I am wishing for us Christians is to not accept Politics as usual. Don't accept either party not putting God in first. And if you are going to comment on this saying these words... "Separation of church and state!"... Do your homework first!
In closing, whoever you vote for this election cycle, make sure you pray with all your heart that you are checking the right box. Our future depends on it. If everyone votes with God as their guide, everything will be great! So, whoever you vote for may God guide his steps in the next 4 years!

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